Relaxation is just that – consciously bringing each constituent part of the body to a state of complete rest, concentration and focus of the mind inward and achieve a higher level of Self-awareness, unlock and release deep tension. It is a versatile physiological process involving the relaxation of skeletal muscle innervations and control of their conscious control of the somatic nervous system, the regulation of the autonomic nervous system.

What’s the first thing you imagine when you hear the word “relax”? A man lying on his back with his eyes closed? Beach and serene? Green quiet garden, birds singing, or all together? In the minds of each of us different images arise as a reaction to the concept of relaxation, all but one way or another will involve the idea of something quiet, still, this is not accidental.

When and how to relax?
A good time to relax after a pranayam yoga exercise. Practice before physical activity or self, it would increase the lethargy.

While extremely effective in stretching, the relaxation would not lead to the same results applied immediately after power-conditioning, power or aerobic workouts, due to differences in the influence of physical activity on the nervous system.

In contrast to the natural exercises where the body has its own system of self-regulation and signals overdose, such as muscle fatigue and stiffness in these indications no relaxation. In very long relaxation motor neurons responsible for communication between the nervous system and skeletal muscles become sluggish and their control weakened, while the brain did not receive information about. Therefore it is better to limit the relaxation in a maximum of 20 minutes per day.

Muscle relaxation
The first objective of the relaxation is relaxation of the skeletal muscles, since it is connected directly with the somatic nervous system, muscles and as they may be subject to conscious control. To make this possible, it is necessary to reassure the motor neurons, which are the main force controlling skeletal muscle.

Everyone has the potential both to move and to be granted, but not everyone knows how to get the muscles to relax. This is because this acts the same principles that cause muscles to degenerate after a long time of inactivity, i.e. if the mechanisms that make us leave is not used regularly, they become stunted. Relaxation is a method they can be trained.

Relaxation methods
There are various methods for easy learning how to loose body. One of the simplest to implement and absorption is focusing on certain points located on the surface of the body.

Its purpose is to focus for a moment on a particular point on the body, until you are completely relaxed. The focus can be associated with respiration, such as at each exhalation attention is retained on a particular item.

Since beginning the practice is unusual to mind, it tends to remain or errant and restless, obsessed with daily concerns, or just to relax and experience the relaxation pass into sleep. In such cases it is better to resort to guided relaxation where specialist directs our attention to the set points.

In the system of yoga, this practice is known as “Yoga Nidra”. Points of attention are strictly defined, the words with which directs thought are always the same and carefully selected as a state of mind relaxation is susceptible to external influences, can also be unlocked reactions such as fear, sadness, joy etc.

Yoga Breathing Exercise and Relaxation
When you get a relaxation pose, the best method is abdominal breathing. In lying on his back, it is done without effort, as the abdominal wall becomes easily susceptible to the movements of the diaphragm at the expense of the rest of the body. When you get on relaxation breathing gradually becomes slightly calming at the same time helps to lower the activity of motor neurons.

Now think hard when the next days you can apply what you learn; Swami Ramdev an Indian Yog Guru a natural approach for healthy life